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salary range:  from     to AUD
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Jobs Australia Jobs in the state of Queensland
Cataloxy Queensland...Jobs in QueenslandCompany jobs Camm Agricultural Group (Irvingdale)Farm Hand

Job Farm Hand

ID: 411877   0

Farm Hand, Queensland

Salary range: negotiable

Summary information

Position: Farm Hand
Published: 02/16/2025. Relevant to: 03/02/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

The role involves performing routine maintenance on farm machinery as per the maintenance manual, assisting in weed control, and supporting contractors when needed. Responsibilities include maintaining and repairing irrigation infrastructure, participating in water harvesting, and addressing erosion on banks and roads after rainfall. The position requires ensuring the property, equipment, and work areas remain clean and well-maintained, as well as assisting with sowing, planting, harvesting, raking, and baling as required. Regular cleaning and maintenance of machinery, accurate record-keeping, and proactive communication of any work-related or interpersonal concerns to management are essential. Additionally, the role involves continuously learning from supervisors and carrying out other farm-related tasks as assigned.

About the company Camm Agricultural Group

Camm Agricultural Group is a Four Generation family business with a long and proud history in the Australian Beef Industry. Details»

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